Toronto, Canada
Toronto, Canada

I am a mother of two young boys and full time career woman. I balance my waking hours parenting my rambunctious boys, and meeting work deadlines and still successfully did this program and continue to use the principles learned. As a former salsa dancer and runner, I am now in my forties and have found optimism in the midst of physical injuries and my changing body. I am reinvigorated about life and I am ready to take on the world.
Successes from this journey: I learned:
1. how to have a better relationship with food
2. that high nutrient dense low calorie foods enabled me to eat more, stay satiated and lose weight. EAT MORE LOSE MORE
3. that drinking my meals were counter productive for me. Protein shakes made me feel hungrier faster.
4. I learned that I don't have to exercise excessively and realized that 3 cardiovascular sessions makes me feel amazing. Anything more than that causes me to feel worn out.
Reflection of the old and new:
When I started my journey 3 months ago I was feeling helpless, out of control, nervous and skeptical about the program. I had the assumption that it would be a boot camp type of nutrition program, restrictive, prescriptive and calling for 150% discipline. I was really surprised that it was exactly the opposite.
Following a few simple basic, no brainer, not rocket science rules was the key to this life changing program. But honestly I was initially skeptical. I didn't think it would work for me because I thought , "hey, I'm already doing this". Really though, I was fooling myself. From one week to another I followed the program with blind faith. I lost weight modestly in the first few weeks and expected to eventually plateau. But I didn't as I continued to lose weight steadily in subsequent weeks.
I finally realized in my 4th and 5th week that this program with its simple rules, tools and peer supports was effective in helping me to remain focused, be accountable and be real with my nutrition. By this time I felt great physically and emotionally as I didn't feel like a slave to food any longer. If the program ended there I would have been satisfied with that achievement but as I stayed within the parameters of the program, with my personal tweeks, I continued to lose weight.
Having lost 11 lbs since that initial weigh in and the gains in the control over my relationship with food is testimony that this program is effective in weight loss. More importantly it is effective in changing mindsets and nutrition habits. Latter is an even greater accomplish if not anything else as it supports sustainability
The person I have evolved into today is again confident hopeful, happy and in control of her life. I once again feel a balance that was missing for a very long time. I look forward to social events knowing that I will be able to enjoy the foods and then use the tools I've learned to recalibrate.
In the words of Alicia Keys, ?"This girl is on fire!"
BIG THANKS to you Gil and all the amazing women in this group! As I've said before, you have all inspired and motivated me throughout this journey. This collective energy gave me the momentum to forge through week after week. My success is not only a result of my work but because of your support.