Toronto, Canada
Toronto, Canada

Mighty Transformation is literally what it means; a huge transformation not limited to just positive physical transformation but also mental and behavioral transformation. With the guidance of Gil, keeping things simple helped me become consistent. The process became repeatable, habitual and sustainable way of life. Once you learn to “listen” to your body, you have absolute control of what your body needs and what it doesn’t need. Even more apparent, when you see that your body is changing to something you appreciate, you begin to see results. Once you see positive results, there’s no stopping there. You just want to keep improving and progressing at what you’re doing. You create goals. You meet those goals and you create new ones. And over time, you’ll realize the transformation!
I began Gil’s program in January 2016 as I was already in the process of losing weight. Gil was a huge catalyst in keeping me grounded and focused on consistency. I learned a lot from his program from nutrition, exercise and sleep. To do this consistently and enjoying what I’m doing, I was able to lose over 70lbs under his program without even struggling. I’ve lost close to 100lbs since October 2015 when I was in the hospital.
Gil caters to individual needs and customizes the program to fit you. Every individual is different. He opened my mind to things I would enjoy and things I already enjoy. He never took any of that away. If you like cake, he wasn’t going to take that away from you. Of course if you like beer, he definitely wasn’t gonna hold that against you. Essentially, if you’re enjoying what you’re doing, why take that away from you. With simple tweaks, you can have what you want. Once it’s fun, there are no limitations and you have complete control over your body! He gave me that opportunity to have complete control of my body!
To illustrate my results and my motivation to continue what I’m doing, all I have to do is think back on October 2015 when the doctor prescribed me 7 different medications that would be for a lifetime prescription. I went from taking absolutely no pills beforehand to 7 different kinds of pills per day. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, kidney stones and of course sleep apnea. Yes, I had to wear the uncomfortable mask when I sleep. This was on top of having heart failure. All of these ailments were diagnosed while I was at the hospital.
Upon reflection, I decided to make a commitment to change. So, I knew I wanted to change. Gil saw how committed I was and he helped me to become consistent naturally. What an amazing coach!!! And because of his commitment to me, I was able to “Break Free” from all this medication the doctors had prescribed me. I recall, going to my family doctor in December 2016 and while giving me a thorough examination including blood works, he said Great Job on your health!!! “He said, “Your blood work results are stunning. I think we can lower your dosage for all medications.” Then I told him, “Hey doc, I’ve been off all medication since July 2016!” He was ecstatic and he even sat down and shook his head in amazement, “How did you do it!?!?”
With all the tools that Gil has taught me, I’ve been fortunate to pass on the same message to other clients. It’s time to give back! Help people that want to be helped. It gives me great joy to help others succeed in their health as it is important to continue being accountable for myself. One of my greatest motivation and inspiration is helping others succeed and seeing their transformation. That’s what I call “Mighty Transformation”.
Thank you Gil for everything you’ve done! I walk with you with tremendous wealth for health!