Why Women Should Lift
Why Women Should Lift
There are enough myths out in the Health and Wellness Industry: sugar makes you fat, eating late at night makes you fat, carbs make you fat, beer gives you a belly, skipping breakfast slows down your metabolism. Luckily none of those are true. It's simply the effect of "correlation equals causation".
The other one that seems to be only limited outside the fitness world is women who lift weights will become huge.
NO you won't get bulky if you lift weights. Even if you lift heavy weights.
If you are eating in a deficit (less than your body needs to lose weight) or at maintenance (eating just enough so you stay the same weight) you will not get bulky.
If you eat slightly more than you need you will gain lean muscle while minimizing the fat gain. You will not get bulky.
However If you eat A LOT more than you need you will get bigger and bulky whether you lift or not. Don't confuse correlation to causation.
Now that we have that clear, I will repost what I wrote in the past to give you 3 reasons why women should lift weights.
1️⃣ You will look great. Everyone knows to lose weight you need to be in a caloric deficit. Unfortunately you will lose both fat and muscle. To minimize the muscle loss you need to give your muscles a reason to stay. That's through resistance training! Cardio alone will expedite the fat loss but also the muscle loss and you risk having the skinny fat look. If you want to be lean and have curves then lift weights!
2️⃣ Strong is the new skinny. Why not be functionally stronger in everyday life to make your life easier? If you do not have a physical job then one of the surest ways to increase strength is to lift weights! Your confidence will soar as a result!
3️⃣ Reduce the chances of Osteoporosis. Evidence based studies show resistance training and lifting weights improve bone density and the strength of your bones. If being healthy is a lifestyle then you should be incorporating resistance training for longevity.
So women don't be afraid to lift and lift heavy!