
Vaughan, Canada


Vaughan, Canada

As a Mom of 2 and a Physician, this program was easy, flexible and intuitive to do. I felt great adjusting to it. I lost close to 20lbs just by focusing on my nutrition.
It is a process with many small recommendations that are simple to incorporate as a lifestyle change. I know I will be able to continue with it. It is so easy that I also recommended this program to my elderly patients.


Even though I usually don’t like journaling, that part was also useful because it allowed me to notice the impact of sleep and hydration in my energy and mood. Before I thought the stress at work was the thing affecting me the most, but it was lack of sleep and hydration and I have control of that now!


Gil Mesina you made it really easy and at the same time motivating without pushing hard. It was up to me how I incorporate it into my daily life. You are a great coach 🤗🤗


I feel happy with much more energy Enormous thank you!”