Toronto, Canada
Toronto, Canada

Gil, I need to thank you for putting this program together and bringing me this opportunity to learn to control my own life! Up until about midway through the MT program, I still had this impression that to make an actual change to my body, it would take a year or more, and it would take a lot of exercise, eating “clean”, and just generally a lot of restrictions. I never thought it would be so simple. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not easy, but the concepts are just so common sense you could never imagine they’d work so effectively.
Through MT, I’ve changed my way of thinking about food – I’m not scared of it anymore. I remember before I started the program, I would feel guilty every time I ate, because I felt like I was only adding to the problem, but I am now more in control than ever, and I will never go back to that feeling. I’ve updated my habits to actually be beneficial to my life, instead of adding to my unhappiness.
Overall, I’m happier, more confident, well-fed, and I have to say MT even affected my relationships – the people around me have been so supportive, and it’s allowed me to delve deeper into friendships and even my relationship, seeing how involved they’ve become.
I need to thank you again Gil, your presence is supportive, empowering and very open. Unhappiness is usually a hard topic to be truly open about, but you make it very easy to be upfront and honest with both you, and myself – I think this is the first real step.
I’m thankful I reached out to you earlier this year, it’s honestly one of the best decisions I have ever made.