
Vigan, Philippines


Vigan, Philippines


As a busy mom of 3, I joined Mighty Transformation’s Genesis Program after giving birth to twin girls.


I live in the Philippines and I thought the distance and time difference would be a disadvantage but Gil really adjusted and was very persistent in helping me get the hang of the program and fit my Filipino diet in.



I now have a more open approach to my diet. I don’t need to have special meals different from my family’s. I don't deprive myself but still keep on track and I no longer have a love hate relationship with weight loss.


Gil is very knowledgeable and really threw all my diet/nutrition misconceptions out the door! He’s very supportive and creates an amazing environment for me and my group to learn together and from each other.


I would really recommend this program to everybody who thinks they’re stuck in their weight loss journey especially to moms like me who have to deal with postpartum weight gain.

