
Hardinxveld, Netherlands


Hardinxveld, Netherlands


I have the honor of being Gil's first Dutch client. I managed to drop 19lbs on this program as a consequence and my journey still continues. Gil is a great coach who's there to help you, not judge you.


The reason I chose Mighty Transformation is because I was looking for a way to permanently take control of my weight, while still being able to go out and eat the foods I like. The Mighty Transformation program promises to help you create a formula with which you can do exactly that. Promises and delivers! It does this by having you develop habits that enable you to lose fat while enjoying life. You can enjoy any food and micronutrient you like, as long as you're accountable.


The information in the program is chopped up into small parts that are easy to understand and implement. This enables you to truly master the concepts and make fat loss simple and maintainable long term. It helps you figure out what works for you and your goals.


For me personally this meant that I could lose weight while still following a high volume strength training program. In the past it was very difficult to maintain (let alone increase) strength when I was trying to lose fat but on this program it was mostly just business as usual. In fact, through this I have discovered the caloric sweet spot to burn fat but without any effects like lethargy or brain fog.



There are so many things I like about this program. For starters it helped me develop habits that will sustain me long term. Not only have I developed these habits, I'm also confident I can tweak them when my goals shift for example from fatloss to muscle gain. I'm also much more concious of what (and how much) I eat.


All that is required is for you to show up online every day.
I actually liked that because it helped me to stay accountable. Showing up every day and seeing what everybody else is doing also helps with the group feeling. I felt like we really hit it off somewhere around the fourth week. Seeing the progress and reports of the fellow participants and seeing Gil's reaction videos to them was pretty awesome and motivated me to do even better.


After finishing this program I feel like I'm set for life. I know how to be accountable and this is the purpose of the program.


All in all, I loved the experience. Thank you very much Gil!