
Toronto, Canada


Toronto, Canada


I was successful in Gil’s program in reaching my targeted weight. I heard about the program through friends and decided to give it a shot.  3 months later and I’m at my desired weight!




It certainly didn’t happen overnight, my eating habits were gradually illustrated to me through the methodology of the program, and I realized where all the holes in my daily eating habits were. Gil gradually explained and made clear the main points of nutrition and demystified common misconceptions. He also elaborated on how to adapt our eating habits based on our lifestyle, how to compensate if we overeat, the caloric weight of different foods, and specific strategies to help you in your goal.


I love his client-centered approach wherein he persistently and consistently guides you based on your needs and lifestyle, not a set rule. With all of this combined, it ultimately empowers you with the practical tools needed to reach and maintain your desired weight.


I loved the emphasis on consistency, because really at the end of the day that’s the biggest factor for success in anything. It’s all the little things that add up to achieving our goals, and this program was a stark reminder of that. No success just suddenly happens, it might appear like that in public, but behind the scenes hundreds of little things were done to achieve that success. Thank you for reminding me of that and for letting us live that out throughout the 12 weeks.


Thank you so much Gil for guiding, teaching, and coaching us throughout the program. You directly help people improve their quality of life, and that’s one of the most rewarding things we can do! I wish you, and your clients, much more success in the future!