
Caledon, Canada


Caledon, Canada


Twelve weeks just flew by, and I admit I’m feeling a bit sad. This has been a great learning experience for me in that I had to put aside some beliefs and thought patterns that had long been ingrained in my head from an overload of information out there (“good” vs “bad” foods, stay away from sugar, no alcohol/sweets/carbs, no eating after 7pm), and learn how it was okay to have foods otherwise considered “forbidden” on other diets, it was just a matter of working them into my daily calories and macros! I learned that I could still enjoy myself and not beat myself up for having a glass (or two!) or wine, and I didn’t have to give up my sous vide egg bites or popcorn or chocolate; I didn’t have to exercise a huge amount of restraint at family gatherings or when out in social situations.


Being held accountable for what I was consuming and reporting in every day also helped keep me on track and was an important learning tool for me. Forgiving myself if I ate over my daily limit and the guidance and support from Gil, plus having the support of the team and seeing how we were all in this together helped me realize this is life, and life is meant to be enjoyed, and it isn’t an “all or nothing” process. In the past if I did something like blow a non-cheat day while being on a strict diet, I’d end up frustrated and would give up or tell myself I’d start again Monday/next month. And then it would be the same vicious cycle all over again. 


Once I got the hang of using the app to log my food after measuring and weighing, it became so simple! Logging and becoming used to portion sizes was an excellent learning process. 


I feel as though I’ve been set up for success, I feel so much better physically and mentally, I have more confidence in myself and have trust in this process. Plus it helps when I don’t have people telling me how tired I look or ask me if I’m pregnant like they did prior to me starting this program! I no longer believe in the excuses of I’m over 40 so my metabolism has slowed down or shift work has made me gain weight...I see a difference, and measurements don’t lie.


Gil, thank you for your guidance throughout this journey, you’ve been an amazing coach and every step of the way I’ve felt supported and encouraged. Your coaching style, positive energy and great sense of humour has been incredible!!!


It’s truly been inspiring to be a part of this program, to have undertaken this with an amazing group of women, cheer them on whether I typed it “out loud” or not, and to see the successes of my peers, whom I also wish the very best for. 


Thank you again!!! ❤️
