
Laoag, Philippines


Laoag, Philippines


I am a mom of 4 and lost 25lbs and I now have great confidence in myself. Not just physically but mentally... my discipline and commitment has proven my self worth. 


This may sound funny 😅 I am starting to worry because I am losing weight real fast... And all I am following is a Calorie Deficit, no strenuous exercise and no restrictive dieting.  I can’t believe this is really happening!
I am proof that Mighty Transformation is REAL!  No tricks, just be committed and consistent.


I feel sad that our program has ended. At first, I was shy and hated posting pics of myself.. but somehow during those past few weeks, I became comfortable. It has become a routine. I let loose and here I am succeeding in this journey.


Thank you Gil for bringing back my confidence.
Thank you for making it easy for me to achieve my goal.
Thank you for doing this program.

You are helping a lot of people. I feel healthier more than ever.
Thank you for this wonderful adventure! It was really great!


I hope to be part of your other programs in the future! CHEERS! 🍻


Update after a year:
