
Toronto, Canada


Toronto, Canada


Well, last status. What went well: the entire program. What were the key ingredients : Gil, and all of you ladies in this group and of course me 🙂
Absolutely great experience that proves that the journey matters as much as or even more than the result. I did meet my weight goal which I actually thought was very aggressive. I met it and even exceeded it a bit. But more importantly, I know this will stay. I know I will continue to thrive with this approach and feel great about myself.
Thank you, Gil, for finding a formula that works and not keeping it to yourself. For so generously sharing your knowledge and caring for how we FEEL throughout the process. You are the true meaning of a coach : supporting, guiding, teaching, leading by example while keeping us all responsible and accountable. The program has a great balance between providing structure and framework while opening the doors to many choices and personal decisions. And wow, no hunger or starvation!
Ladies, thank you for the support, for the food humor, and all meal ideas and for being so passionate and motivated to make a change in our reality.
Happy eating and beer drinking !